Prescribed exercises are an important part of active recovery & improving long term prognosis. 


muscular strength & endurance related to pain 

Numerous studies have highlighted the importance of physical activity for musculoskeletal pain. In fact, the majority of current healthcare guidelines recommend physical activity and/or targeted strengthening exercises as one the best interventions for many acute injuries and chronic conditions.

Dr. Simpson is a strong believer that exercise is medicine. He provides each patient with a custom exercise program – AKA "homework" – specifically tailored to meet everyone's individual needs. There are times when structured exercise is required, but often times small modifications to routine activities can also make significant impacts on pain and function. 

Good technique is at the core of every rehab exercise, whether it's ensuring optimal joint positioning or learning how to correctly engage your muscles. Teaching your body to move better is like learning a new language; at first it will be shaky, but with regular practice it will become more natural to you.